"Mas aquele que beber da água que eu lhe der nunca terá sede, porque a água que eu lhe der se fará nele uma fonte de água que salte para a vida eterna". João 4:14
Hi there, I noticed that you’re still following my blog, Footprints in the Sand, and I wanted to let you know that I’ve begun a new blog. My new blog is called College in a Coffee Cup (collegeinacoffeecup.blogspot.com) and I’d appreciate it if you would follow it instead of my other blog. Thanks a bunch! ~Elizabeth J.
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Hi there,
I noticed that you’re still following my blog, Footprints in the Sand, and I wanted to let you know that I’ve begun a new blog. My new blog is called College in a Coffee Cup (collegeinacoffeecup.blogspot.com) and I’d appreciate it if you would follow it instead of my other blog.
Thanks a bunch!
~Elizabeth J.
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